Get started quickly in a ready-to-use and high-performance cloud environment - no local software installation needed.
Building a simulation scenario is easy with a user interface that is simple, but also powerful for beginners and experts.
Simulate not only passenger cars, but also multimodal traffic with pedestrians, bicycles, motorcycles, trucks, busses, trains, ...
We rely on OpenStreetMap to get you started quickly with a world-wide coverage of map data for road networks.
SESAM offers a public REST API for an easy integration of a mobility simulation in existing applications and services.
Turn numbers into visuals and gain insights into travel times, waiting times, traffic densities and much more.
Organize your scenarios, simulation parameters and simulation results in our cloud-based workspace.
Share your scenarios and simulation results with colleagues, customers or other stakeholders within your project.
SESAM is built on top of the proven mobility simulation engine Eclipse SUMO to deliver detailed and realistic simulations.
With SESAM you can build large-scale simulation scenarios in an easy to use web interface within a few minutes time. Simply select the simulation area within a map, add traffic demand patterns (e.g. vehicles, bicycles or pedestrians) and let SESAM do the rest for you. After creation, the new scenario will be stored in your personal workspace.
Run simulations from your workspace on our cluster of high-performance computing nodes. SESAM uses the Eclipse SUMO mobility simulation toolkit for the computation of the dynamic models for all agents in your scenario. Trigger multiple simulation runs with varying parameters to gain more insights on the sensitivity of your results.
Quickly conduct what-if mobility simulations and analyze your results visually by turning raw numbers into comprehensive map overlays. Benefit from automatically generated before/after comparisons - ready to be used in reports. Share your scenario, results and key figures with your team, your customers or other stakeholders within your project.
Scenarios built
Simulations performed
Registered users served
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Designed to meet your specific needs, features dedicated support at every stage