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Select a Simulation

After clicking on the icon for the analyzer in the side bar, a table opens containing all successful simulations runs that have been performed in the current user's workspace. A simulation must be selected by clicking on it. To proceed, click the button labeled Analyze.

Analyze the Results

The analyzer presents a new window displaying a map section of the used scenario along with various data from the simulation. In addition to the map, there are several information panels, which will be explained in more detail in the next subsections.

Analyzer View

Scenario Properties

The scenario properties panel displays various facts and figures of the scenario used for the simulation. This includes properties such as the duration and size of the selected area, as well as the number of edges, junctions, and traffic lights in the scenario.

Scenario Properties

Simulation Properties

The Simulation Properties Panel is more comprehensive and provides not only the basic data of the simulation, but also some key figures. For example, this includes the number of vehicles used, the number of necessary teleports, and the number of collisions. These figures can serve as an indication of the complexity of the scenario or potential traffic congestions. In addition, statistical information about the simulation is also displayed. The average trip speed or the average route length may be relevant when comparing different scenarios.

Scenario Properties

At the bottom of the panel, it is indicated which outputs of SUMO were activated for the simulation. Moreover, there is a button for downloading the outputs as a ZIP archive.

Interactive Map

The interactive map displays the road network for the scenario and can highlight specific edges or trips. Users can choose to display a satellite image or the rendering of OpenStreetMap in the background. The map features buttons on the left that allow users to zoom in or out and move around the map easily.


When a user clicks on an edge of the network within the map, a balloon tip appears that displays the edge ID. This feature provides quick access to detailed information about a specific edge of interest as users can click on the edge ID to filter the edgess table (see below) and display the properties of only that edge, making it easier to find relevant data quickly.


In addition to its other features, the Analyzer includes a simulation playback option. This allows users to view the movements of all vehicles within the simulation. By using this feature, bottlenecks in the system can be quickly identified, and users can gain valuable insights into how the system is performing.


Hovering over a specific vehicle in the playback displays detailed information about that particular vehicle. Playback speed can be adjusted using buttons at the bottom of the interface, and users can also jump back and forth or pause the playback as needed.


Efficient access to all trips in a scenario is critical for gaining a better understanding of traffic demand. To facilitate this, all available trips in the simulated scenario are presented in a table that allows users to search, filter, and sort the available data according to their needs. This feature enables users to quickly find and analyze specific trips of interest.

Additionally, a marker icon in the second column of the table highlights trips on the interactive map, providing users with a more visual representation of the data. This allows users to better understand the spatial distribution of trips. Clicking on the vehicle type opens a pop-up window displaying the properties of that type.


Understanding the spatial distribution of all trips is critical, but it's also essential to quickly visualize the distribution of other trip properties. For this purpose, we provide a trips summary diagram that can display the distribution of trip duration, route length, and time loss for all trips in the dataset.

Trips Summary


Similar to the table displaying all trips and their properties, there is a second table in the analyzer containing all edges and their properties. This table provides the same ability to filter, sort, or search for specific edges. Clicking on the icon with the blue marker allows users to display the selected edge in the interactive map.
